Monday, April 26, 2004

Mmmmm global warming...

Well, its April and was 88 degrees outside today (Fahrenheit of course!), at 11pm its now 70 degrees and still shorts and T-shirt weather. Kind of reminds me of some days of my youth spent in Florida, except without the humidity and yes, the sea is never as cold in Florida at any time of the year as it is around here at the warmest. Still it makes me glad that the summer in San Francisco is actually colder than spring and fall otherwise this place might actually be too hot and sunny.

Okay, so many places have discovered the wonder of air conditioning, but for me, I think its just great that I can live here with virtually no energy expended keeping it cooler in summer and hotter in winter. Yeah, yeah, there's that pesky problem that all our water has to be brought down from the mountains, and most of the food is grown miles away in the central and other valleys of California. But really, virtual energy independence for a simple thing like getting the temperature right is a wonderful thing.

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