Being child-free I get invited to precious few kids birthday parties but I know they can be veritable orgies of proto-consumer excess and sugar infused excitement - and I probably haven't experienced anything like the examples of birthday party hell out there. I like to think our friends with kids are better than those examples but I know how easy it can be to sucked into the madness. We've certainly seen some bad examples at "pre-birthday party" baby showers... kids not even born yet with enough clothes for the next three years, and three of everything a new parent could need.
I used to think that feelings about too many gifts at parties were because I'm an old fart, or I'm just jealous that when I was a kid I probably only had one or two parties where anyone other than my immediate family was present. Furthermore I don't recall ever getting more than one major present per birthday and that was always from my mum and dad. When I got older my big brothers managed a few cool gifts but other relatives usually gave money or clothes - my grandma was always good for a hand knitted sweater at Christmas, or a few 50p coins stuck in an envelope. Mind you 50p was serious dough back then - it could by a lot of crisps or bottles of soda!
But I do get this feeling that I'm perhaps not the only one to think there could be a problem, as the Birthdays Without Pressure web site puts it, "children's birthdays are out of control" and that out of control parties contribute to:
- A too much stuff culture
- A me first culture
- A trash and waste culture
- An entitlement culture
- A envy culture
- A more of everything culture
and that is precisely what we don't need when the next generation grows up because it is exactly those things that brought us the baby-boomers who got and kept us in this big global warming over consuming mess in the first place. The last thing we need just when conservation might actually be cool again would be a whole new generation who couldn't give a damn and wont do anything without a gift bag at the end of it (don't you get it? - the gift is life and you get it up front with a whole lifetime to enjoy or squander it as you wish).
Okay, end of rant, this grinch is going home...