Monday, January 02, 2006

A dysmal prediction to start the year

I had this vague notion that perhaps 2006 could be better than 2005, then along came Clusterf**k Nation. It's a magnus opus of predictions of doom and gloom from James Kunstler pretty much along the lines of current "peak oil theory" predictions. As I've mentioned before I'm generally a believer in that theory even though there is a growing number of people claiming its basically a conspiracy by oil companies to drive up prices while they sit on vast untapped reserves.

My usual response to conspiracy theories (including 9/11 related ones) is "its a possible but not probable theory - they could only wish they were smart enough and organized enough to pull of such a stunt in complete secrecy". I think that pretty much applies in this case but it doesn't rule out, as in the 1970's oil crisis, an as yet undiscovered reserve or set of reserves being taped to fill the gap.

However it'll be interesting to review Kunstler's predictions a year hence and see how many he got right. If, that is, I haven't sold out and headed for a log cabin in the woods north of the border (Canada).

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