Sunday, March 12, 2006

Be cool, be very cool!

So I read this article on how air conditioned seats could result in a 7.5% saving in car air condition fuel usage which is 522 million gallons of gas a year. Say what! Five hundred and fify-two million gallons? That means Americans are wasting almost 7 billion gallons of gas a year just air conditioning their ride, let alone actually driving it. How about we all just crack the window open instead of cranking the A/C ???


Anonymous said...

Says he who lives where he can do that... the Midwest in the summer without A/C is torture. I can't imagine AZ or other humid and hot areas.

Anonymous said...

There are studies out there that show driving with the windows closed at highway speeds (a/c on) uses less gas than having the windows open. Aerodynamic drag or something like that.