Friday, May 02, 2003

Fighting terrorism funds drug dealers? WTF!

The irony it contains is thick, layers deep in fact, and multi-faceted too. But the news just in is that after the Taliban virtually eliminated growth of opium poppies in Afghanistan (they thought drugs were bad mmmkay), Afghanistan is set this year to be the Number 1 opium grower in the world.

So having run those interminable ads about how buying drugs funds terrorists, now Uncle Sam has to realize that the converse is true: fighting terrorism in Afghanistan has funded drug dealers. This years bumper crop will no doubt result in a bumper crop of opium and opiates on the drug market which will suck more and more people into the world of smack. Then Uncle Sam will have to go and wage its Jihad against drugs in Afghanistan too and use it as an excuse for a continued and massive military prescence there.

If only the US would give a fraction of what it spends on waging war, on economic and developmental aid to these countries it might just be able to convince their starving rural farmers its not worth growing opium poppies instead of wheat for purely economic reasons. After all how much does it cost to pay a few hundred thousand farmers more than the $1.5 a day they make from processing opium seed pods? A hell of a lot less than the tens of billions we spend on fighting wars against nations and against against drugs and the intangible Axis of Evil. After all the tangible harm the Axis of Evil has yet to inflict on our country has been the economic damage of tens of billions spent on a war against Iraq and the continued distraction from what a totally crap job our unelected President is doing at running the country while he's busy running rough shod over the UN , International Law and any hope for a future other than that with USA Inc. winning Most Hated Nation Status.

The cynic in me really wants to point out that the government wants to see drugs back as the #1 evil that poor frightened Americans have to worry about. I guess they didn't bother GWB, or Clinton too much when they were consuming them, but then they were the lucky ones with the socio-economic status to kick the habit and the highly paid spin-doctors to gloss over the tarnish on their records. The rest of us, we will have to go to war against drugs to save our soles.

Come to think of it why aren't they just targeting Hollywood and music business, some of the biggest and must visible consumers of drugs? Oh I forgot, because it would be hypocritical not too go after your own before trying to right the rest of the world and since we now live in a hypocracy, not a democracy, its A-OK with GWB & Co. for business to continue as usual. Right after they are done catching all the evil terrorists that got away and so far that's just about all of them.

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