Friday, May 30, 2003

To Boise and Back: I have a dream

I have just returned from a short business trip to Boise, Idaho. It was one of those trips where you seem to spend more time in airports and up in the sky contemplating "Chicken or beef?" than being where you are supposed to be. Consequently I had plenty of time to read and jot notes for some new blog entries. So here goes with part one of my To Boise and Back blog entries.

People who know me personally may have noticed in that last year that I've become rather interested in the topic of corporate personhood. I first heard about this issue on a Working Assets radio programme last year. As the issue and its consequences were explained it immediately made complete sense to me and resonated at a deep level. It seemed to be the root cause of so many things that are going wrong in America and consequently across the world. So it was natural that doing something about corporate personhood should be the central focus for my new found activist energy. We are still a long way from seeing an end to corporate personhood, but many people and organizations are starting to act, and act up, to ensure that it does happen, one day.

When I was younger there were three things I had listed that I wanted to see happen in my lifetime. They were:

Lofty dreams for a school boy indeed. But I've been so lucky to live to see two out of the three come true so soon in my lifetime. Arguably since the Good Friday Peace accord "the troubles" are well on the road to been a distant memory too which makes three out of three. Certainly todays unrest in Northern Ireland is a faint echo of the my childhood memories of daily bomb scares across the country, sealed toilets and no rubbish bins in public, and frequent, sometimes devastating explosions that killed thousands since the late 1960's.

So I'd like to add to my list of things to see in my life time:

  • abolition of all the laws that have been passed to uphold corporate personhood, and the addition of a constitutional ammendment that sets the record straight for good: corporations are not persons protected by the fourtheenth amendment, and do not enjoy rights granted to all natural persons by it and the bill of rights.

So help me out here, follow some of the links and read about corporate personhood and help my dream come true...

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