Pick a card, any card. You lose!
Just how many weeks, well months now, is it since the "military action" in Iraq finished? Well its enough that I don't even need to go and check, I'm comfortable to say its been a long time now. And just how many weapons of mass destruction have been found? Well apart form the large piles of American dollars Iraq's most wanted seemed to have stashed away in every hide out, precisely none.
Of course this point has been made over and over, to the point where Bush can comfortably just shrug it off and tell us he really doesn't have to explain all over again to the media, why WOMD have not been found. The media just take it as red that he had a really good reason, one time, and they are really too lazy to remind him each and every day, and maybe start calling for impeachment. And the anti-Bushies are red in the face from telling the world there's something amiss here, so red in fact that they are begining to tire and fade.
My thinking on it is either there were weapons of mass destruction at the time Saddam "gone done a bunk", or there weren't. And either Bush and his minions will or wont ever find them. So we have four possibilities and I think the consequences of all of them are very, very serious. No one seems to be pointing out how bad it is, no matter which way the cookie crumbles.
WOMD did not exist and no WOMD ever found
This one means its time to impeach the President for lying to the nation. He categorically told us and the whole world he had conclusive proof that Saddam had WOMD and that Blix just wasn't looking in the right place, but he wasn't going to tell poor Blix where to look (just why no one has ever dug into it). In reality if there were no WOMD then of course neither Bush nor anyone will never find them. Since he'll never find them he'll always maintain they are "out there" just like the truth in X-files. Its likely we'll never know, since their non-existance is something that is extremely difficult if not impossible to prove.
WOMD did not exist but WOMD found
Clearly someone planted the evidence. Will we ever know? If we do find out about it then it'll be time to impeach the President again. I think we can all be assured that some of the Presidents finest stooges are right now figuring out how to plant some WOMD and get away with it.
WOMD did exist but WOMD not found
If no WOMD turn up after a long while eventually the US will tire of searching for them. Quite probably they hope people will get bored of asking about them and then they will eventually just quitely shelve the whole search. After all, as long as they are actively searching and not turning up anything, the spotlight is on them for not finding anything. It would be a lot easier for them to just declare the weapons as unfindable and get on with the real task in hand, finding the cash cow otherwise known as Iraqi oil.
The worse part of this scenario is that it basically means that UN weapons inspections are a complete waste of time. If a country can hide weapons of mass destruction so well that even the most powerful nation in the world, with the greatest survelliance and intelligence arsenels on the planet available to it cannot find them, well then we're kind of screwed aren't we? Every nation on the planet can now claim any weapons inspections as worthless, and then cite its own super-secret intelligence as an excuse for pre-emptive strikes. This doesn't exactly bode well for Iran and North Korea.
WOMD did exists and they are found
This is the one every Bush supporter believes will happen. If it does, and its possible to prove the find is real (conspiracy theorists will never swallow that one) then Bush and every smug, self congratulating Bush supporter will become so intolerable. that any opposition for the next election will be crushed like a bug under the wheel of a Hummer H2 speeding to the next gas pump. And for the rest of us? Well we should be glad that Bush is vindicated, we should be glad that the USA didn't attack under false pretenses. Shouldn't we?
Well no, not really. The problem is that it has been widely admitted by those close to Bush, that WOMD was simply the only pretense for war that they, and the pitiful bunch of sycophants who supported him (like Blair), could agree on. In reality they knew that Saddam's capability to actually use WOMD to do any harm to the USA was limited to say the least, and quite likely virtually none. Saddam, evil despot that him might be, was actually rather intelligent and he knew that any use of WOMD that could in any way be implicated with him would instantly result in the Wrath of Bush raining down on him. He knew that nothing, save nothing, would have given Bush more pleasure than to have been able to implicate Saddam for using WOMD. In the end Saddam was playing a reverse shell game, whether the WOMD were deployed and used in one place or another, or kept hidden up his sleeve, Saddam was bound to loose. He either showed his hand and lost for using them, or kept them hidden or destroyed them and lost because Bush would always say he had them still and invade anyway.
So the situation in which WOMD did exist and were found, would just vindicate the theory that even Americas supposed most evil and most powerful enemy was impudent even with an arsenel full of WOMD. He didn't even so much as lob one missile full of nerve gas in our direction before getting out of town. So what does that prove? Why is that something to worry about? Well remember that guy Osama? Did he have WOMD? No. Did he have a nation state and mass armies to threaten us with? No. Did he have to play hide and seek with weapons inspectors? No. Did he find himself with a carte-blanche to launch a suprise attack on the USA without any credible opposition? Yes!
Basically finding WOMD in Iraq will just mean that we completely wasted our time and $70 billion hunting down America's most wanted and his WOMD only to find that the real threat is still "out there". We'll be so busy dancing a gig around the Whitehouse as Bush is voted in for a second term that we'll forget Osama is still out there, and Saddam is still out there, and many, many more people than before we invaded Iraq will be out there, hating our guts for all the reasons the Americans hated the British right about the time when they decided the worlds most powerful nation sucked - big time. More on that for the next blog, it'll be a cracker!
Of course Bush and Co. know all that. They had a different agenda for invading Iraq, WOMD was after all just a convenient excuse the world might swallow. Remember if that was their number one reason, what about humanitarian reasons? Nope, that wouldn't fly, the "allies" knew that America has an appaling record for supporting human rights across the globe, unless its in their own interests to do so. Now as Liberia and the Congo are exploding into public view we can see why. America just doesn't have the guts for a real humantarian rescue mission with no glory for the winner, or indeed no military winner at all.
It'll be interested to see what happens, but whatever does happens, we all lose.