Wednesday, July 09, 2003

The lunatics are on the grass (again)

Apparently this blog has been pigeon-holed into the Loony Leftists On the Web category. Its always good to know where you stand with the Raving Right. Just remember folks, the majority of the peoples vote in the last election was on the loony left side of the asylum, so ya boo sucks to all the supporters of Monster Raving George reading this.

Sorry, couldn't help it, I was just acting out my sterotype...

Unfortunately the real truth is that the real heart of America is the Muddling Middle. That fifty percent or so of Americans who never turn out to vote because they:

  • couldn't care less to vote (apathy rules),
  • can't vote (at work, in prison, not a citizen),
  • don't know who to vote for (13% of 17 year olds are functionally illiterate),
  • think it doesn't matter if they don't vote (why bother, nothing ever changes),
  • distrust all politicians intensely and would rather the government quietly went away,
  • or just plain feel dis-enfranchised by a two party system that never offers anyone approaching their politics

The right and left always try to field candidates that appeal to the mass middle, but in reality they never attract many of them. The truth, like the evil-doers, is still out there. Probably we'll never find out what they think until the GOP has down trodden them so much that one day Bush II, Bush III or Bush IV (however long it takes) will say "let them eat cake" and they'll rise up and take the country back (so finally they get what the second ammendment was for).

The thing that really gets my goat up, is that the Raving Right actually associate my politics with Bill Clinton, Carter and Johnson et al. No sirs, the problem is the democratic party has never yet fielded a candidate approaching what I think, or I'll wager, any of the loony left (if that's the corner you insist on painting me into). Who ever I might vote for, if I did (see above), would probably be yet another compromise of "us" against "them". So don't paint me with the brush of previous Democratic Presidents and try to tell me how bad Clinton's foreign policy was, and how good Bush's is. GWB just doesn't have a foreign policy, he has an army and a reflex action that drives it that is worse than Dr Strangelove's jerking right arm.

So why don't you raving right wingers just shut up for a bit, and get back to your own asylum while the loony left plays on the grass?

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