Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Recall Bush

Californian (or in some cases not Californian) Republicans have been out collecting votes to recall Governor Davis. Supposedly this is because he lied about how large the California deficit would be. Why do I say "supposedly"? Well surely a Republican couldn't believe misleading voters about the size of the deficit is a cause of recalling a leader? Because if they did then they would have to be marching on Washington to recall George Bush. Today he blew estimates for the federal budget deficit by over 50% to give the largest dollar deficit in US history. Naturally this is not the first time this has occured - every deficit since GWB came to power has exceeded the "estimates" that GWB based his unprecidented orgy of tax cuts on.

And if GWB claims that he didn't lie about deficits, he was just relying on his advisors estimates, then he should be firing every sycophant croney that is feeding him the BS that his policy is based on. Of course he wont fire any of them because he has "complete faith" in every one of them, inspite of their continued and egregious errors that are misleading the country about our economic future. Yes folks it time to recall the President (or the president pretender) for continuing to ignore the truth and continuing to feed the nation his brand of bushit that matches his "perceived truth".

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