Thursday, October 09, 2003

Life at the end of the puddle

Looking at the map of which counties voted for the recall its easy to imagine the Bay Area as the last vestiges of a pool of progressive liberalism evaporating. Deepest in San Francisco county with 80% against the recall, it is surrounded by shallows and lowlands of indifference, rising quickly to ominous mountains in favour of the recall.

I'm reminded of one of those documentaries about life on some African plain, near a lake that is in the final stages of drying out. The people of San Francisco are like the fish helplessly gulping for oxygen as the water stagnates and turns into foul mud. Eventually the water is gone, the fish die and the lake turns to cracked dry earth. All that is left is the relentless heat of the sun and a harsh wind blowing dust across the land.

When is it going to rain again?

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