Monday, December 15, 2003

The incy wincy tyrant climbed down the spider hole...

Along came the Bush and flushed the spider out.

Which is to say, the war hero pretender GWB got himself a tyrant aka Saddam Hussein. Is that a good thing? Well, its probably the most expensive and bloody arrest of an evil doer the world has ever seen. Discounting Hitler of course because he managed to kill himself before the alied posse got to him. Of course reeling in Dick Cheney for conspiring with Enron will cost us much more than the $60 billion of investments that were wiped out almost over night, and may even take longer than finding Saddam.

Along with several other people I was half suprised they didn't find Dick hiding out in the "spider hole" with Saddam. But then again, perhaps they did, which is why NeoCon Enemy #1 got out alive without a granade burn to show for it.

But aren't we forgetting something here... wasn't, and isn't, Osam bin Laden the Public Enemy #1? Isn't it the case that Hussein never meet with, worked with, or funded Osama and the only common connection between Osama and Saddam is in fact the US Government who met, aided and funded both of them at one time or another?

I guess when the bogey man is dragged out of a hole and he looks no scarier than Walter Matthau on a bad hair day (I wasn't the only one to think this) then I suppose everyone has to suspend disbelif and just praise to Jesus that George Bush saved us from him.

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