Friday, February 27, 2004

Indecency used as a smoke screen to silence shock-jocks new anti-Bush stance

Many of you may have heard that Howard Stern's radio show was recently dropped by Clear Channel in six markets including two in Florida - Orlando and Fort Lauderdale. You may also have heard that Clear Channel is claiming that Stern has finally just gone too far with his indecent comments about sex, and racist remarks including use of the "N-word". If you believe the Clear Channel line then this is just another blow back from the now infamous Super Bowl Boob event.

However long time followers of Stern, or even occassional listeners, will know that Stern has always been indecent, outspoken, rude, racist and pretty much exactly what you'd expect from a "Shock Jock". There's really no evidence that he finally stepped over some magic line unless that line really did move right under his feet with great speed in the "Listen with Mother" direction. Even that doesn't make much sense since you'd expect that Clear Channel would make every effort to warn Stern of a change in their level of tolerance and avoid dropping what is surely an extremely popular show for them.

Hence I was extremely interested to find another explanation spelled out in black and white by Apparently Stern recently read Al Franken's book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" (in spite of that book starting with a some insults of Stern himself) and found it to be quite a revelation. On Monday's show Stern made this shocking comment:

"If you read this book, you will never vote for George W. Bush. ... I think this guy is a religious fanatic and a Jesus freak, and he is just hell bent on getting some sort of bizzaro agenda through--like a country-club agenda--so that his father will finally be proud of him. ... I don't know much about Kerry, but I think I'm one of those 'Anybody but Bush' guys now. I don't think G.W. is going to win. What do you think about that?"
He followed it up with...
"These fascist, right-wing a-holes are getting so much freaking power, you gotta take back the country. [Those are] my last words to you. I don't know how many more days I have [left] on the air."
For someone who had previously been a fervent Bush supporter that's quite a turn around. You can read a transcript of his other comments on the book at Things Done, it'll give you a whole new perspective on Stern.

So think about it, did Texas controlled, Republican supporting Clear Channel pull the plug on Stern because on Tuesday's show he has two girls strip, mentions the N-word, then asks a guest how big their penis is and if they've ever had anal sex (all but one of which you could find mentioned on your average episode of Sex in the City). Or was it because on Monday's show he slams Bush and says "These fascist, right-wing a-holes are getting so much freaking power, you gotta take back the country"???

To me its quite clear that Clear Channel was asked to silence a very popular radio show in key Florida markets because someone doesn't want anything spoiling Bush's chances in that state in November, one controlled of course by George Bush's little brother Jeb Bush. The indecency claim was just a very convenient smoke screen to cover up the gag order. Its interesting that I've yet to find a single mainstream news story that has seen through the smokescreen, they are all towing the line that it was Sterns business as usual "smut" that caused Clear Channel to can the show.

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