Thursday, February 26, 2004

So you thought I was a crazy doom monger? Read on!

If you read my entry The Long Dark Winter Time of the North you might have written me off as a crazy greeno (as opposed to pinko) lefty spreading crazy tales of doom and gloom. Well ya boo sucks to you if you did!

A story just breaking today in the United Kingdom revealed that a Pentagon report kept under wraps for months until today, is actually warning of just such a sudden demise of the Gulf Stream and subsequent instant ice age conditions throughout the world. The Pentagon warns "that the potential ramifications of rapid climate change would create global chaos" and "that 8,200 years ago climatic conditions brought widespread crop failure, famine, disease and mass migration of populations that could soon be repeated."

Why does the Pentagon care so much about the global climate all of a sudden? Well think about it - hundreds of millions, if not billions of people waking up one morning to find their homeland is uninhabitable. Just where do you think they'll point the blame? I'll give you one guess...

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