Friday, September 03, 2004

Barnes expresses shame for getting elite out of harms way

While the GOP is just finishing with its true lies campaign over in NYC, Ben Barnes, former Lieutenant Governor of Texas has made a public apology and admitted he was ashamed for getting so many "wealthy supporters and people with family names of importance" into the National Guard during the Vietnam War, a safe haven at the time. Michael Moore has a story on this as does CBS.

What did the rest of the media say about this most public confession by Barnes? Well, apparently not much at all since they were too busy sucking up the CoolAid at the GOP convention, giggling about purple bandaids and rolling with laughter over faux Bush hero movies.

To me the bigger story is Barnes actually having the humility to change his mind and publicly admit his mistake decades after the fact. Indeed his words are some of the sincerest I've heard in defence of Kerry - getting the rich white guys with influence out of any responsibility for their actions is about the worse thing one could do and he was brave to have the guts to tell it like it is.

For some reason the boneheads at the GOP believe that "staying on target" and never wavering in your destiny, no matter how erroneous and stupid it is later proven to be, is the true path of righteousness. Most other people will agree that to learn from ones mistakes and have the guts to admit them is actually the higher path and requires a greater degree of intelligence, humility and courage to follow.

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