Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Moore on the moron

I got a great little nugget from Michael Moore's latest email blast. In summarizing Bush's many stances on Iraq and Saddam he concluded:

And you have the audacity to criticize John Kerry with what you call the "many positions" he has taken on Iraq. By my count, he has taken only one: He believed you. That was his position. You told him and the rest of congress that Saddam had WMDs. So he -- and the vast majority of Americans, even those who didn't vote for you -- believed you. You see, Americans, like John Kerry, want to live in a country where they can believe their president.

I think that's a very strong point to make and well made too. I just wish Kerry had been quick enough to turn out such a compelling response months ago when Bush Co. first started trying to paint Kerry and others as flip-floppers when their only sin was to have actually believed and supported the President, and then later realized he's the untrustworthy little weasel (from the Axis of Weasel) that he is.

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