Monday, November 08, 2004

History repeats as do the titles - whatever

Well I get to reuse "history repeats" a lot, but I'm so what, if the shoe fits... So without further ado is the story of John Adams, the US President who would be dictator. If it happened once it can happen again, but Adam's got overthrown as his persecution of opposers spread down to the man on the street and public outrage finally got the better of him. Remember that in the early 1800s voting was still restricted to the property owning white males of the country - but even they knew a threat to freedom when they saw it.

Hopefully four more year of Republicans is about all it will take for the injustices of their puritanical ministrations to spread far and wide enough that peoples blinkered moral standards will finally let loose a wave of revulsion against the cult of the greenback and the plutocratic oligarchical worshipers who have been calling the shots since 2001 in the name of "freedom" and "moral superiority".

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