At last years Earth Day the City of Oakland handed out T-shirts to neighborhood clean-up volunteers with the slogan: "Cleans well with other" - I think it was a joke based on "Washes well with others". I was reminded of that slogan today when I read about ex-FEMA chief Michael Brown blaming the Louisiana Governor and New Orleans Mayor for the Katrina disaster.
I thought, "Hmmmm, Michael Brown - blames well with others". Yes, put him and all the other rat pack NeoCons together and they certainly blame well with each other. In fact they are always blaming others, and nothing ever went wrong because they made a mistake. Call it a circle of blame, the blame machine, the blame-o-sphere or whatever, but to me its seems to be an impervious shield of blaming everything to external (and usually dark or evil) forces that is always thrown up when anything goes wrong.
What is needed is a "The Blame Stops Here" campaign with a picture of the White House and/or the smerker in chief. Mr Bush, we know you're not what people would call "Well educated", but one thing you should learn, its in Latin so you can say with a grin and look really smart, its:
Mia culpa
One thing I didn't know about "mia culpa" is it is used in Christian prayer a lot. I found this statement about the use and translation of mia culpa:
It is used in prayer: often, a more complete excerpt is mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, which works out to "through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault."So there you go George. You can use it every day and feel right at home, just like you're on your knees praying to the man upstairs. And finally, when you want to look hip and trendy to all those non-Latin speaking voters just use the modern literal translation:
My bad!
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