Saturday, September 24, 2005

She's coming right for them!

Isn't it interesting how when Katrina blasts through New Orleans, the "Christian" Elite are quick to point out from their bully pulpits that it is clearly righteous retribution for the profligate lifestyle lived by those heathen NOLA-ites be it homosexuality, abortion, fornication or even America's support for the Iraeli disengement from Gaza.

But when, just a few weeks later, Rita gouges through Galveston and cavorts up towards Crawford, Texas the hurricane is suddenly no longer a manifestation of the hand of God, but more like just an act of nature. Mother Nature being a half sister of Satan herself, is naturally something to be stopped, stomped-out and sold-out at every opportunity - certainly the devil's work, and definitely nothing at all to do with the bearded white man upstairs.

If you can point me to information on just one righteous right-winger giving some hell-yeahs for Rita's rampage in Texas let me know, but somehow I doubt that's going to happen. Lets face it, only poor sinners have to worry about righteous retribution, the rest of them can just buy themselves a stairway to heaven with the profit from all their oil wells and selling Halliburton shares.

I invite you all to check out the statistics on hurricane strikes in the US by State. If God was trying to send a message to those damned godless socialist democrats living in New Orleans don't you think he'd aim a few more of this major hurricanes there way? Instead the majority over the past 100 years have gone to Florida and yes, you gessed it - Texas.

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