Monday, March 19, 2007

Stumbled upon

It seems that someone at Stumble Upon has stumbled on this site. While the hundreds of hits it is causing are more than welcome (hey hope you enjoy the visit) I'm perplexed that the StumbleUpon website wont tell me where the link that refers to LDTT is. Maybe its a search feature you only get if you sign up, I can't tell. Even more frustrating my web stats software doesn't tell me the URL either.

Perhaps one of those visitors from StumbleUpon would be kind enough to post a comment with a link to the page where they came from - many thanks.

Update: thanks to those who commented on this post - I'm now less in the dark about StumbleUpon. It seems there must be a lot of people out there using it - now I'm feeling bad that I don't post to this blog more often - truth be told most of my posts go elsewhere these days since I have pretty much lightened up in the last year or so. But once in a while the dark side still gets to me!

PS: Something seems to have gone wrong with blogger - it was showing this post twice so I deleted the one with no comments but now it lists no comments when I publish even though it tells me there are still 4 comments attached to it. Strange - must be a Blogger bug... Sigh.