Monday, April 14, 2003

And now for something completely different...

This morning I came across a very entertaining flash site, well its more of any art site. It uses flash animation to tell stories in text that is displayed in time with music, jazz music. Most of the content is pretty bizzare - SAMSUNG MEANS TO COME, or philosophical - ARTIST'S STATEMENT N0. 45,730,944: THE PERFECT ARTISTIC WEB SITE. Warning: the animations really take the word "flash" very seriously, sometimes too much so. If you find it irritating don't blame me, just close your eyes and enjoy the music.

On the same less serious note, today I found a new meaning for the term "convergence device". Previously reserved for PDAs that area also cameras, or phones that are also PDAs, cameras or both, now, well you can have a phone that's also a purring kitty.... Apparently its already received a thumbs up from distinguished device reviewers Good Vibrations.

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