Monday, June 16, 2003

Damn those revisionists, I can out revise them!

"Now there are some who would like to rewrite history; revisionist historians is what I like to call them," Bush said in a speech to New Jersey business leaders.

Referring to the ousted Iraqi president, Bush said, "Saddam Hussein was a threat to America and the free world in '91, in '98, in 2003. He continually ignored the demands of the free world, so the United States and friends and allies acted."

Could a bigger crock of revisionist history have poured from his jabbering lips? If he ever paused to look back at history he might have noticed the imprint of his big dumb ass all over it, but fortunately for him his blinders are large and his wee-beedy eyes are just that.

When I look back at the beginning of the twenty first century century guess what I'll tell the young kids? That's right: "Oh I hated the president with his wee beedy eyes and the smug look on his face: 'Oh you're gonna buy my Bushit oooOOOOOooooooh!'".

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