Friday, May 14, 2004

He ain't a terrorist, he's my brother

When I was a kid my big brother was the innovator in the family. Being the oldest he was the first to do everything - first to get a bike, first to end up in hospital after crashing his bike, first to slice off part of his finger, and first to generate 6 inch sparks from a high voltage gizmo he built out of spares from the junk yard. Etc. etc.

He was also first to head off to university and live in the big city for a while. One time after returning home for the long summer holiday he produced a map of tunnels which went on his wall at home. With it went tales of disappearing into a manholes and exploring the underground tunnel systems that lie just benneath the streets of London. It was fun, it was exciting and only a little risky.

Now I read today some kid in Austin, probably just like my brother, decided it might be fun to do some subterranian exploring. So he filed a freedom of information act request to obtain maps of the tunnels. Next thing he knows he's being interrogated by the FBI who suspect he might be a terrorist or associated with some evil-doing activist group (i.e. still a terrorist).

Okay, I admit, the FBI were just doing their job, he could have been a terrorist, and Bush could have been visiting UT Austin in the near future. Is that what the deal is? But really, this kid is no more a terrorist than my brother is and exploring underground tunnels is pretty much a rite of passage for any inquisitive mind, just like exploring computer networks as I did as a student.

While I was exploring the rest of the Unknown News site I discovered their bumper stickers. I might have to get a "Who would Jesus bomb?" sticker.

Who would Jesus bomb?

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