Saturday, July 10, 2004

SNAFU in Florida

Thanks to GuvWurld for pointing out this article in the NY Times about how Florida is up to its usual tricks when "purging" felons from its electoral role. Magically out of 48,000 Florida residents purged only 61 were Hispanic but 22,000 were African-American. Flordia officials claim it was a simple mistake and the criteria for building the list were reviewed by many people.

Yet again I wonder why no official body in Florida decided to use higher standards to check this list given the proven errors (or downright fraud) in constructing the list for the 2000 election. Fortunately some outside party bothered to double check on the people's behalf and was able to spot this "error". From my point of view its clear that these kinds of errors don't happen by chance, at best its a systematic failure by Florida to ensure fairness in their elections, at worst its out and out fraud to bias the purge lists in the favour of the Republicans.

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