Friday, June 17, 2005

More on perpetuity

So KQED Forum was talking about Guantanamo this morning, yesterday it was Your Call Radio on KALW. Forum's pro-Gitmo guy was Robert Kaufman, professor at Pepperdine University and scholar at the Heritage Foundation. This guy who was first defending Gitmo it because there wasn't a declared war so they had to be held as enemy combatants, instead of civilians (terrorists I assume) or military prisoners of war. Later on in the program he claimed Guantanamo could only be shut down when the war was over as declared by congress, just like in WWII. Excuse me, which war are we waiting for the end of, didn't you just say there was no war? Oh, he says, that was the declared war on terrorism - one that one assumes will never be declared over, just like the war on hunger, poverty, ignorance and let face it, the war on blowhard Republican stooges working at the Heritage Foundation.

Furthermore, Kaufman was saying we couldn't send the prisoners home because they would just turn around and fight against us. But yesterday the pro-Gitmo guest on Your Call Radio was saying we couldn't send them home because they would be tried and executed in their home countries - we don't want to upset Amnesty International he said, wouldn't you rather we kept them in a nice clean prison down in Guantanamo? (As if the US doesn't execute people already.)

So which way is it guys? War, no-war? Free at home, or executed at home? Seems like these guys have no clue and are just spreading FUD as normal.

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