Friday, June 24, 2005

Vote and you shall receive

It'll be interesting to see how Bush tries to finesse the Iranians voting themselves a hard-line president by a landslide. No doubt Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be even less willing to dance with the American devil than his predecessor and we can look forward to an escalation of ill-will between the White House and Iran. I'm sure a lot of people will miss the irony of Americans voting themselves a hard-line president who then turns around to pooh-pooh other countries choices of a hard-liner.

You see it doesn't matter whether you're in Washington or Tehran - it never really was about democracy, and always was about choosing the particular kind of life style a certain group of power mongers agree with. We've seen that Christianity can quite quickly degenerate to being every bit as fanatical as any other religion, it brought us the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and any number of later day atrocities. Logically when religion rules the roost it will boil down to a my god vs. your god argument even though right now Bush is oh so fond of telling everyone we all worship the same god.

The only thing I haven't got straight in my mind yet is whether America will be able to continue to worship itself and its false idols, the dollar and the almighty free market and embrace religion as it leaks into government from all fronts. Will corporate power ultimately kick religion out of the White House or will corporate America just follow the money "get religion" too? As I've mentioned before, in the global scheme of things it seems very likely that America will fade from relevance in the next century. It's last century of domination will seem as much an anomaly as was world domination by that tiny island nation, Great Britain. Faced with that reality what will America do at home? Will it be able to develop a stoic national pride that the Brits have kept in the face of the end of their empire, and the rise of Euro-borg? Or will it become an angry has-been, determined to retain world attention in whatever way it can? Will other nations then point and ridicule "old America" just as today the NeoCons try to ridicule "old Europe"?

But I digress as I am want to do... I'll be watching for some inane quips for Bush about Iran any day soon. Given how hard they were laying into Iran before the result one couldn't expect anything except contempt for the result.

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