Saturday, December 03, 2005


This is so dumb, the federal government is offering money for sex-ed teaching only if it teaches abstinance as the only means for birth control. To be honest I must be behind because I wasn't aware it had gotten that bad - I thought they were only doing this for funding of overseas aid. But now their policies have come home to roost its good to see at least some states have their heads screwed on. Basically if the people in this country can't agree on what to teach kids then the federal government should just teach nothing about sex-ed as opposed to teaching stuff that's clearly of no practical use.

The name "sex-ed" tells all, sex-ed is about sex stupid and regardless of what you want to believe - sex happens. Every study of countries that try to teach abstinance only show its ineffective and leads to more pregnancies. If some religious schools want to teach no-sex-ed and some religious people want to send their kids there that's fine and dandy. Its a free country. But no, the government wants to bury its head up its collective ass and deny the truth along with all the other things they now seem to want to deny and saddle the rest of us with the burden of teen pregnancies and more unwanted and unplanned children.

Not to mention the fact that we can't even seem to teach all our people how to raise the children they wanted to have, let alone the ones they didn't want in the first place. Hello, aren't there enough people on the planet as it is? Why make Americans even more a part of the problem, and no, invading countries and killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis doesn't give us free reign to go hog wild with producing unwanted babies either.

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