Monday, December 19, 2005


A long time ago before digital cameras (okay, they did have them back then, they were just expensive and not very good) I went around work with my trusty Olympus Compact and took photos of my co-workers saying "F**k you". People seemed to like the result, it caught them in an off-guard moment they hadn't seen before, channeling their inner New Yorker perhaps. Several of those photos ended up posted on office doors.

Anyway I love this post about Bush's "F**k you" moment. Myself I'm just amazed about how much shit can pile up in the White House front yard and still not stick with the resident in chief. I mean really, if any of this had happened to Bill Clinton do you think he would have lasted more than five minutes in the White House, let alone five years? Yet Bush has run through trillions in deficit spending, hundreds of billions in occupation of Iraq for reasons that were completely bogus, totally made up and a complete waste of time, and killed almost as many troops as those pesky, but mostly Saudi Arabian terrorists killed bankers. And yet he's still there, old teflon shoulders, trying to blame unbelievers everywhere for not swallowing his Bushshit (ewwwwww!)

Come on people. We're not riding on a fake USA simulator here. This is the real deal - trillions are being blown away, thousands of people have died for no apparent reason, and worst of all IQs are dropping sharply. Wake up and smell the roses, Shrubgate is here and its time to impeach and get another terminally dull and ultimately unsatisfying Presidential witch hunt underway. Lets not forget Bush is so dumb and cock sure of invincibility he probably authorized tapping of his own phone with all the evidence needed to impeech him recorded for prosperity - if we last that long that is.

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