There's another article about lab grown meat in Alternet today, this time its a little fish fillet they breaded up and did a smell test on. For whatever reason they didn't actually eat it, but I'm sure someone has done. I don't know where all the characterisations of this as ghoulish and nightmarish come from, sounds like a bad place to start marketing this.
Is it because they are culturing cells in the lab? Well if its plant cells being cultured then no one blinks an eye.
Is it because they are cells someone might eat? Well if its bacteria in yoghurt, or for other macro-biotic brews then no one blinks and eye.
Is it because its actual animal cells being cultured? Well if its a skin graft then no one blinks an eye.
So what is it? Beats me - shut up your whining and eat your meat!
Seriously though, the only qualm I have about this is just how much energy it might take vs. pasturing an animal out on the range, and just what the unknown consequences of giant mono-culture meat labs could be. Could they end up causing a virtual extinction of the domesticated animals we currently eat - like sheep, pigs and cows? Could they also be the perfect host for some new super virus that, because there is no genetic variety in the food system any more, will wipe out all the meat cells in no time at all?
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