Friday, January 16, 2004

$1.5 billion to promote marriage

Apparently Bush now wants to spend $1.5 billion to promote marriage, that would be 50% more than the amount of new funding just proposed to return to the Moon. Applying my new found economic X-ray vision for Bush policies I'm lead to wonder just how much money Bush's advisors figured they could re-coup in taxes when all those suckers get married and see their tax bills increase as a consequence. Hmmm, interesting.

For me I would be far happier if instead of spending money to promote marriage, people spent their efforts figuring out why the divorce rate is so staggeringly high. That would probably have a much more positive impact on the social welfare of all concerned, especially children. After all what is the point of encouraging people to get married, if they just go out and get divorced again. Stunt's like Britney Spears' 55 hour quickie marriage-annulment show just how little seriousness people regard marriage with these days.

Some oblique commentary on this is available from Mark Morford.

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