Few people can comprehend what a million of anything, let alone a billion of anything is. How about the $87 billion Bush asked Congress for to fight the war (aka "military action" more accurately "invasion") in Iraq and Afghanistan? Well I just located a great site that helps you get an idea of how much money $87 billion is. Imagine eighty-seven billion one dollar bills stacked up in a cube, having a hard time? Well this is what it would look like with you and your car next to it for comparison...

After that start thinking about how "big" Bush's annual budget deficit of $374 billion is. Or how about the trade balance deficit of $418 billion? Or the $1,180 billion increase in the national debt since Bush started his maniacal deficit spending? Or ultimately the toal US national debt of $6,987 billion dollars.
National debt figures from Debt to the Penny