Wednesday, January 14, 2004

President? Racketeer? Who cares? RICO does!

Ellen Mariani is suing a basket of cronies from the Bush administration (GWB, Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, Tenet, Rice, ...) under the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act for intentional, organized criminal activity, that's racketeering to you and me. Say what! GWB has been brewing up some 'shine in the Whitehouse basement? No, Mariani's complaint is that the Bush administration has been profiteering from the outcome of 9/11 (regardless of its cause) and that they see this as an excellent opportunity to dig into the secrets and lies that might be lurking in the Whitehouse.

So far the only consequence of this suit is that Bush's representatives filled to dismiss it on technicalities - mainly that the statute of limitations had expired. Not that I think anything is likely to come of this suit until Bush is comfortably out of office. That seems to be the way. However just the idea of Bush and his henchmen being accused under an anti-racketeering act is an entertaining, if sad, one.

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