Saturday, August 28, 2004

The Flip-Flopper In Chief Part 2 - The Return of Old Doublethinking Teflon Shoulders

Brad DeLong has collated a whole series of self-contradicting remarks Bush has made about 527 campaign ads and freedom of speech. When its Republican supporting 527s he's supporting he just say "well that's what freedom of speech is all about", when he's under fire from Democratic supporting 527s its all "we aught to get these things off the air!".

The two things that stick in my craw most about George Bush are that he's able to do this flip-flopping continuously and the media doesn't report it much and that even when they do he's able to get away with it. Indeed its not even flip-flopping since he rarely pretends to hold one position or another, any more than a reed in the wind pretends to lean one way or the other. Its more like genuine Orwellian doublethink, Bush really does think that 527s are bad and should be removed and that 527s are just plain old freedom of speech and shouldn't be meddled with.

For the most part the press can never make any acquisition stick because Bush never acknowledges and change in policy, any contradiction in what he says, no error of judgement and never acknowledges the existance of history that is littered with errors, SNAFUs, bad policy, lies, and even thousands of bodies. With Bush everything is always in the future, its always "well we have to do that or someone's going to do this" and never mind that almost every policy decision he's made in the last four years has been boneheaded and wrong.

When it comes to doing what he wants he takes all the responsbility, he has to tell us what is good for us, when it comes to dealing with any failure in policy he never takes responsibility, holding a president responsible would be unpatriotic wouldn't it? His shoulders are so teflon coated its unreal, all responsibility just falls away and never sticks. I just don't know how they do it - I thought the teflon spin-off from NASA was for frying eggs not protecting the Office of the President from the shit sticking.

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