Saturday, August 21, 2004

Welcome back to SUV land

One thing that Europe is mercifully almost free of is the SUV. Indeed the dinkyness of most European cars is to be admired. Families aren't any smaller in Europe, and the need to transport kids safely, and luggage conveniently isn't any smaller either. Somehow Europeans just cope and with decidedly better safety and fuel economy. Is this economy of car size caused by the smaller roads (driving at 60mph or greater against opposing traffic on a narrow undivided road is no problem for Europeans), smaller parking spaces (at best "compact" sized compared to American), or higher gas prices (about two to three times even current US prices)?

Its probably none of these, just a realization that bigger isn't necessarily better and just because you can then you don't really have to. Also in Europe the governments have no fear of imposing tax rules for cars that actively penalize any car with more than a 1.6 liter engine, and discourage low fuel economy cars. The same rules in America would severely affect just about every single car driven and would certainly be considered damaging to the economy and "un-American". The reason that Europeans don't regard such tax laws as un-European is of course that European's realize that their countries include the air over their heads and in their lungs, and that freedom to drive gas guzzlers might actually be bad for other peoples freedom.

No greater shining example of American vehicular excess could be given than the SUV, symbol of wretched excess and freedom to consume gone wild. In Europe they are the exception that they should be, driven almost exclusively for their four wheel drive capability, and not as status symbols or tax breaks. Hi end car manufacturers in Europe build small, safe, fuel efficient cars including Audi, Mercedes and others. Even American companies like Ford build many sub-compact models in Europe that never see the light of day in Europe. Those who want a status symbol in Europe buy a small roadster by Porsche, TVR or even Smart Car - not a giant Hummer H2 that is mercifully almost non-existant that side of the pond of sanity (or insanity depending on your perspective).

For those who live in America a good sanity check on how out of control things have got in the USA should read California's SUV ban at Slate which points out that many US "Sport Utility" vehicles are now infringing restrictions designed to prevent large trucks from tearing up suburban streets never intended to handle their 6000+ pounds of weight. Not only do owners of such vehicles get a huge tax break to own one, guzzle gas produced by a lovingly subsidized US oil industry (tens of billions this year alone), pollute far in excess of their "utility", make giant profits for the cushy friends of government - car companies, but dash it all they also tear up our heavily tax subsidzed roads in a way that is unfair to all and would never be tolerated if a working class truck driver was behind the wheel doing, heavens forbid, real utilitarian work.

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