Thursday, July 21, 2005

Copycat bombings?

Hearing early this morning about more bombings in my home country this morning I was waiting to find out how bad it was. So far there has not been a single report of casualties which is a relief. But the more I read about this new spate of chaos in London the more its sounding like some group of wannabe terrorists who got together to cause some chaos with copycat bombings. I wouldn't even be surprised if this was totally unrelated to any known terrorist groups at all and the explosives were more of the homebrew fertilizer bomb variety planted by a bunch of out of control pranksters.

Why would anyone do such a thing? Well, just to stroke their egos and fuel their delusions of power, and most likely to stirr the pot a bit and increase East-West tensions - just like in Northern Ireland where the IRA eventually found themselves competing with all kinds of thugs (on both sides) determined to keep the choas going and divisive climate of hatred alive.

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