Thursday, July 07, 2005

Its not called "Great" for nothing

Having spent most of the morning watching BBC News for obvious reasons, I noticed all the bystanders and victims they were interviewing were exhibiting characteristically British stoicism. Hence I liked the quote from an AP news report where British tour guide Michael Cahill says, "Its Great Britain - not called 'Great' for nothing". Exactly.

Although Blair has variously being called Bush's butt-boy, puppet, lapdog etc. etc. I was so pleased his speech today didn't include anything about telling the British people get back to business as usual and go shopping. Of course if he was to have given the British any direction at all it would have been to go home and have a nice cup of tea, which being a warm drink is good for shock. One of my earliest memories is being dragged out of a car wreck and being forced to drink scalding hot tea. Note to British parents - make your shock therapy tea warm and sweet.

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