Saturday, July 23, 2005

The never ending lies

Wow, I just did a check and discovered that the Plame/Novak/??? story has been going almost as long as this blog - I first wrote about it in October 2003 following a tip-off from Chicken Or Beef?. Back then, from day one I flamed:

... Bush got Novak to do it himself personally, and Novak will never have the balls to incriminate Bush while he is still in power. You can bet your life as soon as Bush is out of the White House Novak will be fessing up, or writing a book about it, or maybe collecting a handy payoff somehow for keeping his mouth shut.

So I'm pleased to hear that the evidence pointing to the liar-in-Chief is really mounting up. Thom Hartmann wrote yesterday in his TreasonGate piece that the file about Plame was on Air Force One with Bush and Powell and likely as not the leak of the info to Novak or Rove came directly from the top. Now that phone logs from Air Force One have been subpoenaed perhaps it's only a matter of time before something happens. Even better the information about Plame was definitely marked secret (Hartmann says "Top Secret").

Will Bush weasel out of this simply by declaring some vital, incriminating piece of information "top secret" on the grounds of national security? After all, incriminating the President would surely damage the US reputation... well, that's one way of looking at it. Another way would be to say "at last, they've realized that guy is no good and will find someone knew". But of course that someone would be Cheney. Could it be that this was some insane NeoCon game all along - Bush has become too useless, too much of an embarrassment, so we'll just get him out and get our blood brother Cheney in in his place?

The alternative is they'll find a way to draw this out for another two years after which election '08 will be well under way and the spotlights will be focusing on the next batch of Presidential nominees. With their famously short spanned and frivilously focused attentions, that'll be the death of the issue in the mainstream. But that's a long two years for old draft dodger in chief to continue to dodge the impeachment bullet with his name on it.

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