Friday, November 25, 2005

Space aliens eh?

Well stone the crows, turns out Bush is secretly building a base on the moon to fight the aliens. Well, according to a former Canadian Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister under Pierre Trudeau he is. Either that or Paul Hellyer has been watching too many re-runs of UFO in his retirement.

Not that I don't believe UFOs could exist. Just that if they did and they were not being benevolant to us then we would surely have heard about it a lot sooner and there wouldn't be a damn thing Bush or anyone could do about it with a moon base or sweet talking diplomacy. Furthermore unlike in "The War of the Worlds" or "Signs" neither E. Coli or a super soaker will help us fight them off. I rather side with the Douglas Adams theory of alien life - if its out there and peaceful then it is politely and deliberately leaving us semi-evolved simians well alone until we evolve into something more worthwhile talking too, if its out there and not then it'll turn up on our door (or in our sky) and zap us to oblivion Vogon style. In fact you could probably make a good argument that Vogon diplomacy would be a close relative of Bush diplomacy, itself a close relative of Gunboat Diplomacy and shoot first, ask questions later.

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