Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Bush speaks for unity, artic ice shelf divided

It seems some what symbolic that the same day Bush is at the UN spouting his usual dictatorial USA-uber-alles Bush-shit, scientists announce that the Ward Hunt artic ice shelf rended itself in two. And you know, all the kings horses and all the kings men wont be abe to put it back together again.

So now, in the same month Bush has continued his onslaught on the environment while simultaneously denying the existance of global warming, we have a 443 sqare kilometer hunk of ice that has been around for 3000 years, just swaning around in the Arctic Ocean. Maybe it really is symbolic and the Ward Hunt iceberg, formerly known as the Ward Hunt ice shelf, will be headed to Washington and will sink Bush's titanic. You can be sure that as the Neo-Con ship goes down the stock market will keep trading, and the cry will be "Corporations and billionaires to the tax havens first!".

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