Sunday, September 28, 2003

Revisionism for Neocons

Well I'll be, its as is those damned neocons are reading my blog! From this morning's news, Condoleezza Rice's comment when asked if the Whitehouse went around talking to journalists about Joseph Wilson's wife being a CIA operative:

    "I don't remember any such conversations"

Okay, so I was expecting GWB to use that excuse when they get him on the stand at his impeachment hearing. I guess he'll just have to use that other great Neocon coverup:

    "I must have misspoken"

Oh course you must, why would we ever dream that you could have lied to us? Personally I can't wait for the whole misspeaking pack of misdoers to get the heck out of the Whitehouse. Then at least there is a chance that by the time I'm old and gray I'll be able to sit back in my rocker and when my great grand nieces say "Tell us about George Dubbyah in the oh-oh years Uncle", I'll be able to smile wistfully and say "I don't remember". Ah, ignorance is bliss...

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