Sunday, September 28, 2003

The mainstream finally catches up

Finally the topic I covered earlier has actually made it into the mainstream. It seems the media is finally asking questions about who in the government leaked information to the press that exposed Valerie Plame, wife of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, as an undercover CIA agent jeopardizing the lives of many CIA operatives. So far all fingers are pointing to Neo Con elite member, and Bush's best friend and senior advisor - Karl Rove.

Unfortunately for Rove this is a crime that carries a sentance of up to 10 years in jail. The question is, did Rove do this on his own, at the behest of George W. Bush? If the latter then Bush's Presidential immunity will melt away and he'll be just as elligible for time in the federal "pound me in my republican assets" penitentiary as any of us fodder units are. Or will Rove take one for the President and protect "the man" as Oliver North did for Ronald Reagan? Will we ever see Bush repeating the now infamous "I don't remember" that Reagan used so many times in the Iran-Contra investigations - and got away with it? Only time will tell.

If the mainstream media is what it usually is, it will save the crucifixion of GWB for this, or any of his other dirty little secrets, until just before the election when it is most damaging to his relelection chances, but least damaging to his reputation. By that time they'll be lining up the next martyr at the cross.

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