Saturday, June 26, 2004

The Long Dark Cocktail-time of the Soul

Agent J and I went to see a very funny monologue 21 Dog Years: Doing Time on Thursday. I highly recommend checking it out to anyone who worked in, lived through or laughed at the Dot Com era - by all accounts that should be almost everyone. However beforehand we stopped off at a nearby watering hole for a quick pre-show drink. I was served a very tasty Manhattan, in fact probably the most tasty I've ever sampled. One of the defining ingredients was brandied cherries, a very delicious variation on the normal maraschino cherries.

While looking for information on brandied cherries (yes, you can actually make them at home) I cam across the website Drinks Mixer which beats all records for the number of drink recipes - over seven thousand by all accounts - including no less than twenty-one Manhattan variations. It even has recipes for making your own Absinthe and a nutritional breakdown of every drink ingredient. With its "My Cabinet" and "Similar Drinks" features I think I have to give it ten out of ten as the best website to accompany the long dark cocktail-time of the soul (which starts a few hours after tea-time).

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