Thursday, June 03, 2004

Unemployment for dummies, take two

Its good to see that other people are finally waking up to the fact that inspite of recent "improved" statistics, unemployment really does suck. Back in Unemployment for dummies I pointed out that while the unemployment figures were finally declining since the recession "ended" (kind of like the end of hostilities huh?) the number percentage of people working has fizzled to the tune of over 5 million.

Now over at Angry Bear the same point is being made concluding that to be where we were before Bush arrived would require an additional 5 million jobs from what there are now. Why? Well, if you didn't get it in my first entry, the fact is that while the number of people considered "unemployed" is falling, the number of people considered "not in labor force" is increasing much faster. This means that people who might normally be looking for a job (and hence considered "in the labor force") are just not bothering to and will not show up in the statistics as unemployed (which means you're actually looking for a job but haven't got one).

This should give us all hope. For one it means that there are millions of people out there not working that should be and hence will probably not vote for Bush. Secondly as those people not looking for work see things are getting better they will start looking for jobs again which means they will start to appear in the unemployment statistics. That's bad news for Bush. Watch out for unemployment figures to stop declining, then level off, and then start increasing again - any day soon!

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