Friday, June 18, 2004

So evil...

The saying goes*:

So evil it should be pronounced e-vile, as in the fru-its of the de-vile.

My dictionary defines evil as:

adj. e·vil·er, e·vil·est

  1. Morally bad or wrong; wicked: an evil tyrant.
  2. Causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful: the evil effects of a poor diet.
  3. Characterized by or indicating future misfortune; ominous: evil omens.
  4. Bad or blameworthy by report; infamous: an evil reputation.
  5. Characterized by anger or spite; malicious: an evil temper.

I really thought evil would have more evil definitions, you know like "given to torturing defenseless individuals", "callous disregard for civilian life", or "willingness to suppress others at all costs". As it turns out I'd be happy to assign all my more evil definitions to George W. Bush, its easy to believe he'd give consent to torture a prisoner without second thought if he knew he could get away with it. Its easy to believe he'd invade a country if he thought it would get him a second term, avenge his daddy, and make a few billion for his friends.

So what about the dictionary definitions? Well if he's capable of all those really evil things then they are just a no brainer!

Who could ever argue that Bush is causing ruin, injury, or pain and is harmful I'm sure tens of thousands of Iraqis wouldn't, the ones still alive that is.

Is he morally bad or wrong and perhaps wicked? I think tens of millions of Americans would agree with that.

Is he characterized by anger or spite; malicious? Many reports show that behind the scenes he certainly is, inspite of his "affable fool" pretense in public. And when addressing his home field opposition, or those that might oppose his unique definition of freedom, he certainly spares no anger or spite for those "evil doers".

And finally, is he bad or blameworthy by report; infamous? Well its a documented proof. He holds records for badness as a president, for making decisions, for relying and spreading disinformation, and for never accepting an culpability for anything bad that happens on his watch.

As the commander-in-chief he sees a world full of bad apples everywhere doing evil, all acting independently and all unstoppable except by brute force. He sees no connection between these supposed bad-apples and his inability to accept blame for anything bad that happens on his watch. He is like the quintessential CEOs who majestically pisses away billions and expect to escape (as they often do), and indeed to be hailed retrospectively as a great hero (as they often are).

As the President he has undeniably brought world-wide infamy to the United States of America to a degree never seen before. From the American dream and gallant hero, to the American bully propagating a vision of terror everywhere that must requires elimination by "shock and awe". A vision so awful that its citizens are turned into feeble supplicants living a nightmare of fear in their own homes unable to reason, question, react, protest or shout the obvious: Bush is evil

So what remains to be asked, is why the heck hasn't something happened yet that we can get rid of him ahead of schedule? Why hasn't anyone managed to impeach him yet? Why hasn't the media even been able to bully him into firing some of his axis of evil? Why wont they even stand up and say he's a liar?

I really think it's truly that so many people are willing to be, and have been, lulled into submission by the climate of fear that George has propagated. You know its comforting to know that when life sucks you can believe there's true evil out there to blame everything on. It just make it easy to believe it's not our fault for being lazy, apathetic or stupid. Bad stuff is everyone else's fault and we a good, oh so very good.

It's ironic isn't it, that the fear of evil has lead to such evil being in control of our entire country, and so infamous that over 80% of Europeans believe he's the greatest threat to world peace. Just what has gone wrong with the system? Or is reality on the blink again?

But maybe there's a glimmer of hope. I wear a T-shirt saying "Be afraid, its patriotic!" which I bought in early 2003. However I still get knowing looks from many who see it. They either know what a whopping lie it is and engage me in conversation about the evil-doer-in-chief, or they smile because they think I'm just like them and that I really know that fear is patriotic and it makes them feel just that bit better to see someone else agreeing with their view of the world.

* Quote from "So I married an axe murderer"

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