Friday, April 30, 2004

Claim vs. Fact

Thanks to South Knox Bubba for pointing out the new database Claim vs Fact that "that charts conservatives' distortions, lies and dishonesty, and refutes them with well-documented facts." Select your favourite topic, favourite Republican deceiver, and watch the whoopers fly...

Here's a starter for ten:

Topic: Halliburton

Speaker: Cheney, Dick - Vice President

Date: 7/30/2000

"But what I'll have to do, assuming we're successful [in the election], is divest myself, that is, sell any remaining shares that I have in the company."

A congressional report found that Cheney still owns "more than 433,000 Halliburton stock options," including "100,000 shares at $54.50 per share, 33,333 shares at $28.125 and 300,000 shares at $39.50 per share." - CNN, 9/25/03

Now I know that options are not the same as shares, but having such a huge vested interest in the future stock price of a company does very effectively prevent one from divesting from it. To state that simply selling ones shares would achieve divestiture is massively misleading, but would we expect anything else from old duck for brains?

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