In 1978 the Supreme Court threw out a Massachusetts law that prohibited corporations from spending money to influence legislation unrelated to their business. The arguement used was that spending money is equivalent to free speech and hence limiting a corporations right to spend money is equivalent to limiting its right to free speech. In throwing out the law the Supreme Court implicitly upheld the notion that corporations are people, are protected by the 14th amendment and hence have the right to free speech. Since then corporations have been spending, spending, spending and legislation has been changing, changing, changing.
In an effort to redress the balance the MovenOn political action committee held a "Bake Bush out of the Whitehouse" event this weekend. Volunteers baked goods and sold them, donating the proceeds to the MoveOn PAC which is financing various issue ads to help make the case against Bush being re-elected. This was a fine example of showing that baking is free speech and should be protected by the constitution. Here's what my better half baked (icing by yours truly)