It shouldn't be a surprise to find Ashcroft pointing his finger-o-blame at the FBI and Clinton for the 9/11 attacks. I mean I didn't honestly believe that a current Bush sycophant would stand up and take some blame, admit guilt, confess to responsibility or even just plain apologize. No of course not, in fact we should all just sit down and pray how lucky we are to be living under the perfect government. The one that never makes any mistakes, and hell no way would ever need to apologize for anything and thank you God for every day showing them the (corporate) road to perfection (for it is paved with gold, and riches).
However... it appears that the FBI really didn't like Ashcroft making a scape goat of them. You see the FBI dates back further than Bush, Clinton, Bush Senior or any of those punk-ass fly-by-night career politicians. Now Bush is on the scene with his department of homeland this, and M15 style department of spying-on-you-homeland-insurgents that, so naturally they feel a bit threatened, unloved and plain just pissed off. So former FBI chief Freeh said:
"intelligence services were aware of the danger that a terrorist might use a hijacked plane as a weapon. Steps were taken to defend the White House as well as special events at home and abroad, such as the 2000 Olympic Games and meetings of world leaders, against such a threat but nothing was done to protect the country at large.So might that explain why government officials were avoiding regular airlines just before 9/11? And Pickard, FBI Director at the time of 9/11 said he had:
"briefed Ashcroft on terrorist threats in late June and July 2001 but the attorney general was not interested. After two such briefings, the attorney general told him he did not want to hear this information anymore"
All indications are the heat is definitely on and I can't say I'm upset. So John Ashcroft, Mr "I know the difference between enforcing the law and making it", here's the shovel - you dig?

One shovel for me please!