Monday, April 26, 2004

Search engines gone wild

Some of you may have noticed way down on the left hand side there is a web counter... Basically I'm experimenting with alternative ways of gathering statisitcs for this site. I started fretting about the effects of various unknown robots bumping up the figures, and also the problem of what to do about people accesing the content via RSS news aggregators which as best I can tell will really screw up or squew most statistics.

One side effect of this was while monitoring my stats at StatCounter I noticed someone had come to The Long Dark Tea-Time having used Google's shopping search engine Froogle. It turns out that someone typed in "Cheap sand and dirt in Boise" and low and behold, Froogle lists me #2 as selling the aforementioned for $1000. Apparently Froogle does more than just list prices for merchants, it actually extracts prices and products from ordinary web pages. No, I'm not selling sand and dirt and $1000 isn't cheap either. However I did have a blog entry that mentioned sand and dirt, and another that mentioned "$1000" in relation to air-bag prices.

I'd say this is a prime example of search engines gone wild. Try it and see.

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