Friday, August 08, 2003

Donate for change

I usually restrict my gift giving to friends, charities and the occasional non-charity causes. However I've never given to any political cause before, until today that is. Arianna Huffington now has my $50 and I'm sure she'll spend it wisely in her run for Governor. To be honest, if the recall really goes ahead then I don't really think or care if she has a chance of winning, that's just not the point. The point is to get more visibility for the message that corporate greed and political corruption are undermining America. I've read Arianna's writing, I've heard her speak, I've talked with her in person and I know she can really make the other candidates lives a misery.

Of course she'll be weak on experience of government, and the minutae of running a State. But she has high and principled ideals she wants to uphold and I really believe that she would do so if elected. As an independent she really has no-one else to answer too except herself and the people who elected her. And as a naturalized US citizen we know she isn't just using this as a stepping stone to the Whitehouse. So she really would be every money hording, control grabbing, arm twisting corporations and politicians worst nightmare. Regardless, it'll be very interesting to see if how the fight (not race) for governor goes down.

You go girl!

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