Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Tea-time, now with added darkness

The juxtaposition of my blogs title and its HTML colour scheme has been bothering me for some time. While it may have looked pretty to some designer at Blogger I didn't find it appropriate for a "long dark tea-time" blog. So, I switched to a mosty black, white and grey scheme for added darkness. It looks fine on my screen but please let me know if you're having problems reading the text because of the new colour scheme.

As a small consolation to the chromatically offended I would point I have added a search feature for this blog. Its powered by my old friend Google, just what would we do without Google? Google indexing of this site is usually about a week behind publishing, but that is usually easily enough to catch 95% of recent content and 100% of the archives. Anything you still can't find is your own problem (try your browser's search page feature).

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