Saturday, August 02, 2003

The finest congress money can buy

Its good to know some thing never stay the same. While GWB is out raising over $200M, I read to day that the title of todays blog entry is actually a Mark Twain quote. I came about it as I was checking on whether Mark Twain ever really said "The coldest winter I ever spent was summer in San Francisco". Apparently, according to Snopes none of his books, writings or private correspondences ever included the famous quote. Of course it doesn't mean he didn't actually say that to someone all those years ago and it never got written down, but the source of this quote is definitely questionable. Well you learn something new every day!

My favourite Twain quote?

    "For every problem there is always a solution that is simple, obvious, and wrong."
It sounds exactly like the kind of solution you get when you have
    "The finest congress money can buy"
So go enjoy the summer and feel free to rebuke those who dare to impune its warmth with Twain's words.

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